Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Species:          All species

Specimen:       Whole blood

Container:       EDTA (purple top)

Collection protocol:  Mix blood and anticoagulant gently and as soon as possible to prevent clotting. Make and air dry a blood smear as soon as possible to prevent artefactual changes occurring in the RBCs and WBCs. Do not refrigerate smears. Keep smears away from flies.

Special handling/shipping requirements: Keep cool and transport to laboratory as soon as possible

General information about the test (disease): Includes haematocrit (HCT), haemoglobin (Hb) , red blood cell count (RBC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), white blood cell count (WBC), WBC differential, reticulocytes if anaemic, assessment of RBC morphology and any descriptions of any abnormalities, platelet assessment.

Excludes reticulocyte count in horses because they do not release reticulocytes if anaemia is present.